Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Final Project example webpage

The webpage I chose this week to share is PsychExchange. PsychExchange is similar to what many of us are hoping to produce for our final project. Obviously this is specific to my subject matter but there are many ideas that all of us can use from this page. It is set up like a Ning or wiki page and can provide some direction for those of us attempting to produce a PLC for our specific subject matter teachers. PsychExchange offers many professional growth opportunities, such as blogs, discussions, events, and teaching activities that can be beneficial to psychology teachers. My final project is going to look similar to this but aimed for a PLC of high school psychology teachers. Some of what is offered at this webpage would be more geared for college courses than high school.

Something that I would like to attempt to figure out is how to create a profile of each member that would include folders containing all the information that person has shared. If you click on the top commenters you will see what I would hope to do. Anyone with any knowledge of how to do this on Ning I would appreciate the help.

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